Maximum date for delivery of the abstracts: April 12, 2013.
Date of results of selected abstracts: (new date: April 26, 2013).
If the abstract is approved, the delivery of the article should be held until May 3, 2013.
Both should be sent to the e-mail
Text formatting: Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing justified. The top and left margins are 3 cm. Right and bottom 2 cm.
Title of presentation (not more than 20 words). The title should be written in capital letters, centered. Avoid abbreviations in the title. The title should clearly describe what you will present.
Authors' names and their institutional affiliations (name of the university) and country.
Abstract and Article (not exceed 500 words). Abbreviations can be used, but must be defined on first use. The abstract should briefly present the objectives, methods, results and conclusion of the study. The abstract need not include information about the literature of the area and should not be included references. The goal must be clear, stating, if appropriate, what is the problem and hypotheses of the study.
The maximum allowable size of the approved article should be eight pages.
Keywords (at most 5, lowercase and separated with semicolons).
Body text should contain:
Follow ABNT.