Departamento de Música da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo

Maria Teresa Madeira

From the beginning, the intense and multifaceted Maria Teresa Madeira’s musical career has been marked by important experiences, whether in the arts or in the academic field. Between her Bachelor’s degree in piano by the UFRJ School of Music and her Master’s degree in Music from the University of Iowa (USA), she had the opportunity to study with Anna Carolina Pereira da Silva, Heitor Alimonda, Miguel Proenca, Arthur Rowe and Daniel Shapiro, Myrian Dauelsberg, Jacques Klein, Sergei Dorensky, Dayse de Luca and Carmen Prazzini, masters with whom she improved in interpretation.

As a soloist, Maria Teresa has been at the forefront from orchestras such as the Sinfônica Brasileira (Brazilian Symphony), Petrobras Sinfônica, Sinfônica da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso Cedar Rapids Symphony, University of Iowa Chamber Orchestra, Banda de la Ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina), Banda Sinfônica da Faculdade de Música do Espírito Santo. As a chamber musician, a very dear activity to her, she performed alongside with some of the most important artists from the country such as Noël Devos, José Botelho, Paulo Sérgio Santos, Altamiro Carrilho, Alceu Reis, Aloysio Fagerlande, Radegundis Feitosa, Carol McDavit, Matha Herr, Rosana Lamosa, Pedro Amorim, Rildo Hora, Nicolas Krassik, Maria Bragança, Paulo Mendonça, Leo Gandelman, and Villa-Lobos Quintet, as well as with other established international musicians like Alain Marion, Alain Damiens, Leopold La Fosse, Leon Biriotti, Paula Robinson, Bruno Totaro, among others. She participated in 14 of the Bienais de Música Brasileira Contemporânea, performing several world premieres, some of them dedicated to her, by composers like Ronaldo Miranda, Tim Rescala, Glícia Campos, Harry Crowl, Gilberto Gagliardi and Leandro Braga. In the academic field, she has shared her experiences through courses, workshops and music festivals throughout Brazil, such as the Festival de Inverno da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Festival de Inverno de Campos dos Goytacazes), Curso Internacional de Verão de Brasília and Festival Vale do Café in Vassouras. Maria Teresa is also the patron of Concurso Nacional Maria Teresa Madeira that bears her name, dedicated to revealing talents of all ages. Maria Teresa has performed recitals and concerts in the US, Colombia, France, Argentina, Finland, Tunisia, Spain and Germany, always prioritizing the dissemination of Brazilian music. Her discography has more than 30 CDs as a soloist and chamber musician. She was a Professor from the Undergraduate Program at the Conservatório Brasileiro de Música and is currently teaching at UniRio as an Assistent Professor.

Her career has always been linked to the music of Ernesto Nazareth, featuring many concerts with his works and has recorded also three CDs entirely dedicated to him, such as “Sempre Nazareth” (Kuarup, 1997), and “Ernesto Nazareth Vol.1 and Vol.2 “(Sonhos and Sons, 2003), the latter nominated for a Latin Grammy.

Rodolfo Cardoso

Rodolfo Cardoso earned a doctoral degree in music from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), and works at this institution as a percussion and chamber music teacher. He was invited to teach at music festivals both in Brazil and abroad and has been a member since 2012 of the Exchange Program established between UniRio and the University of Örebro - Sweden, whose central focus is the teaching and promotion of Brazilian popular music. He  studied percussion with professor Luiz D’Anunciação at the Preparatory College of Instrumentists at OSB. He has extensive experience as an orchestra musician, having worked as the first soloist (tympanist) in some of the main orchestras in the country: Brasília Symphony Orchestra, Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (OSB), Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theater Symphony Orchestra and Petrobras Symphony Orchestra - OPES.  He participated as a chamber musician including concerts in Brazil, United States and Europe. In parallel, he has always worked in the field of popular music, having acted alongside names such as: Antonio Adolfo, Paulo Moura, Diana Krall, Marisa Gata Manso, Cássia Eller, Zélia Duncam, Caetano Veloso, Nelson Faria, Carlos Malta, Adriano Giffoni, Yuri Popov , Fernando Moura, Ronaldo Diamante, Tomás Improta, Victor Biglione, Brazilian String Orchestra, Leila Pinheiro, Luiza Borges, Joel Nascimento, Pixinguinha Orchestra, Guinga, Lenine, Rosa Passos, Bibi Ferreira, Zizi Possi and several others.  He participated in numerous plays related to theater and dance under the direction of composer Tim Rescala, having performed in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. He was co-author of the soundtrack for the show Contra-Ataque by choreographer Regina Miranda, with whom he toured several Brazilian cities, as well as a season at the Dancespace Project - St. Mark Church, in Manhattan, New York State.

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5th International Contemporary Piano Conference - November 12th to 14th, 2020 - Department of Music FFCLRP-USP
Rua Profa. Maria MC Telles, s / n - USP Campus - Monte Alegre - CEP 14040-900 Ribeirão Preto - BRASIL