Departamento de Música da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo

Alexandre Dias

Alexandre Dias, pianist, researcher and piano teacher, was born in Brasília in 1984, and started his piano studies at the age of 10. From 1999 to 2004 he took private lessons with Elza Gushikem, and from 2004 to 2008 with Neusa França. In addtion to his musical activities, he graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Brasília (Bachelor in 2005 and Licenciatura in 2006), defended his master's dissertation in 2009, and his doctoral dissertation in 2013, both by the Postgraduate Program in Ecology, at the University of Brasília.

Since 1998, he develops intense research on Brazilian music, with a special focus on Brazilian piano music. He participated in the coordination of internet sites such as Acervo Digital Chiquinha Gonzaga (sponsored by the Natura Musica announcement) and Ernesto Nazareth 150 Anos (at the invitation of the Moreira Salles Institute). He also created sites dedicated to Marcello Tupynambá, Eduardo Souto, Zequinha de Abreu and Henrique Alves de Mesquita. In 2008, he carried out the first complete review of Ernesto Nazareth's work, one of his oldest research themes. In 2015,  Alexandre Dias created the Instituto Piano Brasileiro - IPB, whose objective is to rescue and disseminate the rich Brazilian piano traditions, in their various aspects.

The Brazilian Piano Institute (IPB) exists through different channels, including the website, which contains several databases for research, the podcast Conversa de pianista, profiles on social networks, and a channel on youtube, which provides a large amount of works in first world recording. One of the institute's main fronts is the digitization of musical collections, having already digitized more than 50 collections - from personalities such as Aloysio de Alencar Pinto, Guiomar Novaes, Lucia Branco, Souza Lima, Neusa França, Belkiss Carneiro de Mendonça and Claudio Santoro - resulting in more than 200,000 pages of documents including scores, concert programs, photos, catalogs, letters, etc. Numerous recordings have also been digitized on a variety of media.

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5th International Contemporary Piano Conference - November 12th to 14th, 2020 - Department of Music FFCLRP-USP
Rua Profa. Maria MC Telles, s / n - USP Campus - Monte Alegre - CEP 14040-900 Ribeirão Preto - BRASIL