Departamento de Música da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo

Alda Oliveira

During the undergraduate courses in Music (Bachelor of Piano and Music Degree) at the School of Music of the Federal University of Bahia, she was encouraged to compose in the classes of Literature and Music Theory, Music Appreciation and Music Methodology, of professors Ernst Widmer and Jamary Oliveira. At that time, she participated as a pianist, percussionist and listener in many of the artistic and teaching activities of the Bahia Composition Group, which influenced her in the creation of sound structures and didactic compositions using techniques and sounds from that historic moment at UFBA. Alda Oliveira also participated intensively in the Art Festivals organized by Ernst Widmer as a soloist (at the piano) and member of occasional ensembles for the premieres of works.

During her Master degree in Composition in the USA, she had 5 songs for soprano and piano performed in Boston. Her composition Bahianas (3 pieces for 13 instruments) was presented at the III Biennial of Contemporary Brazilian Music (1979). Ronaldo Miranda's criticism for Jornal do Brasil highlights her participation in this Bienal as follows: "Of the composers of the night, Alda Oliveira obtained the best results with his less daring language than the one usually used by his countrymen, but full of musical significance.

She was President of the Brazilian Association of Musical Education - ABEM [8] (1991-1995), Secretary of the National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Music - ANPPOM [9] (1988-1990), member of the board (2002-2006) , and elected co-chair (2000-2002) of the Research Committee of the International Society for Music Education - ISME [10]. She was appointed by the Ministry of Education as a member of the Commission of Experts in Arts and then in Music, working at SESU / MEC as chairman of these two specialist commissions (1996-2002). He is currently President of the Center for Production, Documentation and Music Studies (SONARE) (2016-2020).

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5th International Contemporary Piano Conference - November 12th to 14th, 2020 - Department of Music FFCLRP-USP
Rua Profa. Maria MC Telles, s / n - USP Campus - Monte Alegre - CEP 14040-900 Ribeirão Preto - BRASIL