| | 3D structure of Group I/II
phospholipases A2.
The PLA2s belonging to groups I and II have highly
similar amino acid sequences, and X-ray crystallography studies have shown that
their three-dimensional structures are also highly conserved. As shown in the
the figure below, two anti-parallel disulfide linked alpha helices (helices 2
and 3) define a rigid scaffold to which the calcium binding loop, the C-terminal
loop and a single double stranded beta sheet (the so-called "beta wing")
are covalently linked by disulfide bridges. In group II PLA2s the
position of the N-terminal helix (labeled as helix 1 in the figure) is
stabilized by extensive side chain contacts with both beta wing and the body of
the protein.
One of our interests is the study of membrane damage by a
sub-family of group II PLA2s, in the aspartic acid at position 49 in the
catalytic site is substituted by a lysine. In the crystal structures of lysine49 PLA2s, the
epsilon nitrogen atom of the lysine 49 (shown on the right, and labelled B, in
the figure below) is located exactly that the position occupied by the calcium
ion in the catalytic the active Asp49 PLA2s (shown of the left,
labelled A). The positions of the other residues involved in catalytic activity
are fully conserved in the lysine 49 PLA2 crystal structures, and the
observed loss of catalytic activity in these proteins may be due to steric hindrance of
the calcium binding due to this lysine 49 site chain.